Hippocrates - The Father of Medicine

Hippocrates the Father of MedicineHippocrates is considered by scientists to be the founder of medicine. He may have been the most important doctor of the ancient times and the best representativeof the Medical School of Kos. He was also a profound philosopher and humanitarian. He was born in Kos in 460 BC and was the son of the doctor Irakleida and

The Hippocratic Oath

The Hippocratic Oath I swear by Apollo the physician, and Aesculapius, and Hygeia, and Panacea and all the gods and goddesses, making them my witnesses, that I will fulfill, according to my ability and judgment, this Oath and covenant. To hold him, who has taught me this art, as equal to my parents, and to live my life in partnership with him, and if he is in need of

The Medical School of Kos

Kos History - Hippocrates StatueThe development of Medical Science is connected with the evolution of philosophy in the ancient Greek world especially along the coast of Asia Minor. The foundations of Medical


Kos Island - AsclepiusAccording to the most popular myth, Asclepius was the son of Apollo and Koronida, daughter of the King of Thesallia Fleyia. Koronida fell in love with Ishi and so Apollo ordered her


Kos Island Myths - HerculesSon of Hercules and Alcimini, when Virtue and Evil presented themselves and asked him to choose one of their paths, he chose the first. He’s one of the most popular heroes of ancient

Birth of Hercules

thumb kos-young-herculesZeus was the head of the twelve gods of Olympus and his weapon was the terrifying lightning bolt which he hurled at his enemies. In spite of the fact that he was a god, Zeus had one

Hercules in Kos

Hercules in KosReturning with his friends from Troy, with six ships heavily laden with treasure, Hercules got caught in a terrible storm of unparalleled proportions. The storm had been

Hercules in Troy

Kos Hercules in TroyHaving accomplished all twelve labours, Hercules was made to undertake others of lesser importance but none the less, just a perilous. The King of Troy, Laomedon,