pizzeria ristorante

4.1/5 rating (13 votes) | Hits : 20567
The name "Mama Rosa", is a well known pizzeria in Kos, with delicious and quality Italian food. The famous pizzeria - trattoria «MAMA ROSA» is located in Kanari Street 48 and operates since 1992. It is the Italian pizzeria with the most «pizza funs». A small, intimate space that awaits you with many tasty choices .. It has also delivery from 15:00 to 24:00 on 22420 26554.


  • Street: Kanari 48
  • Postcode: 85300
  • City: Kos
  • State: Dodecanese


  • Telephone: 0030 22420 26554 & 26907
  • E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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