
MITTOS O.E. is located on the street Vasileos Pavlou 15 and provides specialized products to personal care items, and toiletries. There you will find quality products, but mainly responsible and friendly service. It has various of wonderful companies that produce all kinds of cosmetics, cleaning and personal care and grooming. From the simplest soap, shampoo, sunscreen up to specialized products such as body creams, face creams, make-up, specialty hair products, energy care line, anti aging products and much more. If you visit them you will be convinced that you are covered perfectly for your daily skincare needs.

historical-iconStore Contact
Street: Vasileos Pavlou 15
Postcode: 85300
City: Kos
State: Dodecanese
phone-icon4 +30 22420 25008
email-icon6  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
facebook-icon6  Mittos
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